Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why am I so Different?

I consider myself to be almost unique in the massive category of audiophiles. While most swap gear in and out of their systems  in search of audio nirvana (much like some women change clothes numerous times before going on that special date), I am sincere about finding out what causes what. I am more concerned about why this piece of gear sounds weird compared to that piece and why such a difference exists.

I will offer suggestions on improvements you can make that can keep you from rotating that next peice of gear into your system and rather undo the problem with what is causing your displeasure.

At times, I will get a bit technical and just rattle my cage if I get overzealous, but I will do my best to pursue purity and remain calm. An occasional glass of blueberry wine may be needed to clarify my writings, and a great cup of coffee always helps in a pinch.

Today is the first entry to this new blog and I will begin with a description of my personal goals.

It has always been a mystery to me why stereos - regardless of price or level of sophistication - still sound like stereos rather than music, or should I say instruments. It seems that some audiophiles try to find that magic combination to accurately reveal the nuances of a performance, but others become caught up in trying to get something that sounds "better" than before the swap.

BETTER is a relative term since what sounds better for one may not sound real to me. Granted, it may sound brighter, or fuller, or wider, or whatever, but it may sound less real as a result. So in pursuit of the audio grail, I opt for gains in reality over other tantilizing tidbits of improvements.

Unfortunately, the recording industry does not align itself with my goals. Typically, source material will artificially enhance vocals, create bass guitars that dominate a performance, focus on the details of an oboe and ignore a cello, and so on. They cater to a profit-based audience that prefers explosions in actrion movies rather than fine fingering of a live performance. Finding source material that sounds like an instrument can be elusive and I am always open for suggestions on that front. But for now, let us assume that some exists somewhere.

So let us begin by exploring quality source material and in my next post I will reveal a few of my favorites.

Until then, I will close with a signature line I used at the start of my musings way back in the 1980s when the internet was mostly newsgroups and systems had two speakers.

Yours for higher fidelity,
Philip Rastocny

I do not use ads in this blog to help support my efforts. If you like what you are reading, please remember to reciprocate, My newest title is called Where, oh Where did the Star of Bethlehem Go? It’s an astronomer’s look at what this celestial object may have been, who the "Wise Men" were, and where they came from. Written in an investigative journalism style, it targets one star that has never been considered before and builds a solid case for its candidacy.

My other titles include:

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